Would you rather work behind the scenes than on the till? We’ve got the volunteer job for you! Come and join our cleaning rota teams at Ilmington Community Shop, working after hours to keep everything spick, span and sanitised. It’s the perfect job for family duos like Gregg and Debbie Woodall. “It’s a good thing to let people know that the shop is being cleaned with Covid in mind,” says Debbie. “For instance, we start with the rails outside leading up the path, then we do all the door handles. Gregg lays out the baskets: we clean them inside and out; the table, the card readers the scales, the barcode reader – any items people are touching – the pricing gun, pens…” Cleaning and sanitising are a part of every shift in our community shop, but it’s important to have the extra deep cleans and Covid cleaning too. It’s also vital that our volunteers have fun. “We have a laugh!” says Debbie. “We come up after tea and work through a long list of things. I get Gregg to read the list out. We go through the whole shop.” If you’d like to be part of our crack community cleaning team, please email Susan Brock on s.brock9@btinternet.com, call Michele on 01608 682838, or call in and let us know.